20 Minute Meditation
Develop the magic PAUSE button for your racing mind and the pain in your life!
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Meditation saved my life during my divorce.
OK, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but it’s how I feel. Left unchecked the panic, nausea, and racing thoughts would cripple me. I could spend 18 hours on the couch thinking about my ex, what went wrong, what she was doing, and more - and get absolutely nothing else done. Pure misery for hours and days on end.
There was one caveat though. The days when I went from bed to the meditation cushion, I could shift this completely around.
It was as if some outside force had a giant remote control hovering over my life and could push the PAUSE button on my misery. With each deep breath I took I would feel better. And more peaceful. And in more control over my internal world.
The more consecutive days I meditated, the longer this feeling stayed with me. The longer my butt was on the cushion each day, the more intense the feeling of peace became. It was like magic. I would do anything to make the pain take a five or ten minute walk and leave me alone.
In this course, I'll take you from no minutes of meditation to 20 minutes in just three weeks. And I'll be with you every step of the way to avoid the two most common reasons people fall off of the meditation bandwagon.
1) They don't think they're meditating correctly.
2) They need someone there with them for accountability.
These are solved by learning what the real experience of mediation is - IT IS NOT THE ACT OF "STOPPING" OUR MINDS FROM THINKING! And having me on the screen doing the exact thing you are. If I can stay down on the cushion, so can you.
This is the same program I've used to teach hundreds of people just like you how to build and maintain their life changing meditation practices, allowing them to experience peace in their lives, less stress, and significantly more happiness.
In each of the 21 daily videos contained in this course, I'll be sitting there meditating with you, giving you course corrections, and keeping you on task. We'll start of easy with just 3 minutes of sitting and build from there. In no time at all you'll be reaping the benefits come from that 20 minute deep meditation.
Looking forward to sitting with you!
Traver Boehm
Your Instructor
Traver Boehm is a Licensed Acupuncturist, writer, TEDx speaker, and transformational coach with an extensive fitness training background. Rumor has it he sleeps with a kettlebell. Traver teaches meditation, leads workshops and consults with clients all over the globe on how to live healthier, happier, more inspired lives.
Course Curriculum
PreviewMeditation Frequently Asked Questions (7:55)
StartIntroduction to Meditation (6:13)
StartStart Here - Maximizing Your Success With This Course (2:48)
StartDay 1 - 2 x 3 Minute Rounds Focusing On Body Stillness (9:02)
StartDay 2 - 2 x 3 Minute Rounds Focusing On The Reset Breath (10:17)
StartDay 3 - 2 x 4 Minute Rounds Focusing On Triangle Breathing (12:40)
StartDay 4 - 2 x 4 Minute Rounds Focusing On Triangle Breathing Or The Reset Breath (12:25)
StartDay 5 - 2 x 5 Minute Rounds Focusing On Triangle Breathing & Expansiveness (15:05)
StartDay 6 - 2 x 5 Minute Rounds Focusing On Breath Movement & Absolute Stillness (13:52)
StartDay 7 - 1 x 10 Minute Round Focusing On The Reset Breath (11:21)
StartDay 8 - 2 x 5 Minute Rounds Returning To The Basics (12:24)
StartDay 9 - 2 x 5 Minute Rounds Focusing On Cultivating A Sense Of Pride (12:33)
StartDay 10 - 2 x 6 Minute Rounds Focusing On Cultivating A Sense Of Compassion & (14:48)
StartDay 11 - 2 x 6 Minute Rounds Focusing On Cultivating Forgiveness (14:03)
StartDay 12 - 2 x 8 Minute Rounds Focusing On Cultivating Joy (18:27)
StartDay 13 - 2 x 7 Minute Rounds Focusing On Cultivating Present Moment Awareness (16:28)
StartDay 14 - 1 x 15 Minute Round Focusing On Basics (16:12)
StartDay 15 - 2 x 9 Minute Rounds Focusing On The Negotiability of Reality (20:08)
StartDay 16 - 2 x 10 Minute Rounds Focusing On A Choice Of Basics (22:03)
StartDay 17 - 2 x 10 Minute Rounds Focusing On Letting Go (22:10)
StartDay 18 - 2 x 11 Minute Rounds Focusing On Training For The PAUSE (24:59)
StartDay 19 - 2 x 11 Minute Rounds Focusing On Releasing The Past (24:35)
StartDay 20 - 2 x 12 Minute Rounds Focusing On The Power Of Choice (26:29)
StartDay 21 - 1 x 20 Minute Round Focusing On Gracefully Resetting (21:45)
Frequently Asked Questions
"I had tried meditation so many times from books, apps, you name it but I always quit after a few days. Traver's course got me meditating everyday and now I'm up to 20 minutes. It helps so much to start with only three minutes, then slowly work up. I'm so glad I did this. Highly recommend it."
Drew S. Web Designer - NYC
"Loved this course, I'm now a meditator. Having him meditate with me was huge. I always felt like I was alone before, but not with these videos. Great course, thank you."
Sam B. Investor - PA
"Can't say enough about the quality of this course. I appreciate the detail, the filming, and especially having Traver there meditating with me. I've tried four other meditation classes but this one stuck"
Jen R. Attorney - CA
"Thank you so much for this course Traver, I can now tell without a doubt the days that start with meditation, and the days that don't. One has me short tempered, angry, and stressed out. The other is the complete opposite, like night and day. This course was my first foray into meditation and I'm now completely hooked."
Brendan R. Patient Father
"As an ER nurse and mother of two, my life is pure chaos! Traver's 20 Minute Meditation gave me a way to turn down the voices in my head constantly telling me I wasn't doing enough or trying to keep track of the thousands of to-do's that are my life. I will now find a quiet place at work, play one of the lessons on my phone and take a complete vacation."
Mira F. - ER Nurse
"I credit this course with virtually ending my insomnia. Ambien didn't help it, and I was concerned I would never get a good night's sleep. Now I have an evening ritual with my meditation and I most night's I sleep 6 hours. Anyone who's had insomnia knows - this is a world of difference. Thank you."
Jared N. - Security Specialist
"My life can be broken into two stages - pre meditation and post meditation. I wish I'd learned this 25 years ago when I thought meditation was for hippies and religious nuts. Man was I wrong. Love the course."
Sandra R. - Architect
"Meditation seemed so confusing until I saw it laid out in Traver's course. I'm an athlete and learning to meditate from another athlete was huge. Start small and build from there is the perfect way to learn this. Thank you for putting this together."
Jeremy L. - Attorney/Rugby Player
"I'm sure I won't be the first to say this, but I wish I'd learned how to meditate in high school. It would have saved me from having to make a lot of apologies in my thirties! Loved this course, definitely worth the money."
Veronica T. - Singer
"My mornings start with you and end with you, hope that's not too creepy. In all seriousness, this is a great course. Best $70 I've spent. The ROI has been a hundred fold in peace, tranquility and increased creativity."
Greg F. - NYSE